Low Cost Clinics
Vaccines include:
Rabies (canine or feline), bordatella, Parvo/Distemper booster, FVRCP : $20 each
Lepto or Feline Leukemia: $20
Heartworm Test: $25
HW Meds: $40-$60
Upon arrival:
LEAVE YOUR PET IN YOUR CAR. Retrieve a number from the clipboard set up outside. When your number is called, find the person filling out the paperwork and then retrieve your pet and proceed inside. This is less stressful for your pet. For dates of clinics, see our event calendar HERE for more info.
This is a veterinarian performed sedation-free Dog Dentals. K9 Smiles Dog Dentals will help your pet with bad breath, tartar buildup, and more.
Call for appointment availability or visit K9 Dentals.